Living in the imperfection.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Moment #3

Moment #3:  Arrival


This moment started a week or so ago.  I have been eagerly planning my Spring garden for months.  Months I tell you.  I started devouring gardening books in October and reading all I could on what to plant for the upcoming season.  And it is here!!!

Typically, I buy transplants and just put them directly into the ground or pots.  It feels safe planting something in my garden that has already begun.  Seeds are a different matter entirely.  There is no guarantee they will amount to anything and that scares me.  This year, I decided to try and sprout my own seeds and see what happened.  This has been a year of throwing off all that binds and moving forward in spite of the fear, not matter how big or small the fear may be.

Nature has a way of knowing exactly what it needs to survive.  My role in this is to use good soil and water attentively.  Seriously, people have been planting seeds for thousands of years.  I do not know why I was afraid of seeds.  I suppose it was the uncertainty of them.


I planted.  I waited.  And this happened:

And this...

More Zucchini
 And this...

Even more Zucchini, Kitchen Beans, and Cucumbers

I have a few more weeks of waiting before I transfer the seedlings into my garden.  I'm pretty excited about that.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Moment #2

Moment #2:  APPLES!!

Front Yard Picnics 
This moment involves apples.  Who doesn't love apples?  They are delicious.

The Loin Fruit loves him some apples.  Ironic, no?
I managed to capture the first time he decided to eat a whole apple.  Glorious.

Sometimes we have picnics in the front yard.  Why the front yard?  Because our backyard is boring.  Why picnics?  Because both of us love to be outside so when the opportunity and weather cooperate we go for it.

On this particular day, we were taking advantage of a cool wind and eating our lunch out front.  Maddox, naturally, ran around the yard and brought me a variety of interesting objects to add to our picnic:  sticks, acorns, leaves, rubber bands, etc.  As the pile of stuff continued to swell, my apple diminished.  I was killing this thing.  It was tasty.

At some point I set the apple down and the Loin Fruit swooped in to rescue it from the lawn.  He took it and began to eat it with all his heart.

Apples Rule!
 (and no he is not drinking coke zero)
...seriously, you are taking pictures of this
Apples make me happy.  They make him happy too.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Moment #1

Yes...he is sitting in a puddle of water in his diaper

I had a moment yesterday.  Not the one you see above.  This particular moment lasted a mere 20 seconds or so.  I was not timing it so I cannot be sure but I know it was less than a full minute.  

The moment I am referring to happened in a rocking chair.  I was sitting in it reading to Maddox who was, naturally, running from place to place picking up this and that doing all the things a precocious 17 month old does.  

But then time stopped.

He came to me and wrestled himself up beside me in the rocking chair.  He looked at the book I was holding.  He looked at me.  Then he quietly rested.  

And then the moment was over.

But that moment of quiet and rest with my son gave me perspective.  I adore him.  I love his tenacity and curiosity.  I love the constant motion of who he is but sometimes I need a little snuggle.  That isn't who he is though.  However, yesterday, he gave me that.  He gave me a few seconds of stillness and I am keeping that tucked away inside my heart and brain.

So here's to finding moments in the everyday monotony.