Living in the imperfection.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

I did it!!!!

So, for anyone who is interested, I lived up to my week long write everyday challenge.  Well, I missed the following Monday, but I think I made up for it.  I didn't actually write anymore of my books but I did revise some previous blog posts and, wait for it, submitted them to a couple of local magazines. 

4 years people.  It has taken me 4 years to step out and try to get myself published.  I wrote my query.  I sent my articles.  And I waited.  For a whole day.  That's all it took for one of the magazines to contact me.  Going from there, I proposed a few article ideas and THEY WANT ME TO WRITE SOMETHING FOR THEM!!!!  Woot and Woot again.  I'm pretty sure I won't be getting financial payment but I could care less.  I'm going to be February of 2013.  Sure, that's several months away.  Sure, they could get my articles and say they suck and refuse to publish them.  But for today, I am not going to focus on the negative could-be in this scenario.  I am going to be excited about taking a leap of faith.  I am going to congratulate myself on doing something and not just thinking about doing something.

So, if there is something you have been dreaming about doing.  Quit dreaming and do something about it.  That is much easier said than done.  I know this.  I've lived it for my entire life.  But it feels pretty good to take action.  It feels even better to have been validated. 

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