After a thought provoking conversation with Dr. P and a relaxing weekend in the Keys, I have decided that I am going to declare myself a writer...this is huge folks. In case you did not know, I've spent the better part of the last 3 years thinking about writing. I've taken several classes and done lots of research. Oh how I love research. Research allows your academic self to kick into overdrive without actually committing to anything.
I am sick of the nothing.
By God, I am a writer. I believe I was created to create. I have done so for as long as I can remember in varying capacities. I have seen my plays be performed. I've been published in academic journals (fun fact, I have a very academic side). Now I want to move forward and be published in magazines and eventually see my middle grade fiction novel come to life.
I write my blog as practice. Dr. P says that perhaps my blog is a way to avoid taking the step towards publication by putting my work out there for people to see and judge. I want to deny this but the fact is it is true. I am afraid of failure. The sure fire way to avoid rejection is to keep your ideas locked in a closet. I don't want to stay in the closet anymore.
I am tired of practicing my life. I want to live it.
So I am putting it out there: I AM A WRITER.
I will still keep writing in this blog because it is helping me develop discipline. The stakes are low but they do exist. So now we come to the SELF-CHALLENGE portion of the discussion. I have several ideas to write about over the next week and I am going to do so. Everyday. Sunday, today, until next Sunday I will be writing. Don't expect your mind to be blown. This is a practice in diligence for me and hopefully a way to stay connected to people as well. I have learned that I am not good at connecting. I am sorry. Honest words on a page come easier for me than face to face ones. Hopefully I will get there. Until then, here we are.
See you Tomorrow.
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