Living in the imperfection.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Back to the Garden

The Healing Garden is ready for rejuvenation.   Now that the sun isn't searing me with heat every hour of every day,  I can finally start planning my Fall garden.  I think about it all the time but now is the time to set things in motion.  New ventures are on the horizon friends.
The Healing Garden in the Spring
Container Garden in the Spring

I'm pretty excited to get my in-ground and container gardens going again.  I've been inspired since my vacation to St. Simons.  Hot Papa, the Loin Fruit, and I took several walks a day the entire week we were there and what I couldn't help but notice were all the butterflies.  I love butterflies.  We saw lots of these:

I need copious amounts of these in my life:

Pretty Flying Thing

On lots of these:

Butterfly Flower (Asclepias Tuberosa)

I think I need some of these too:

Of course I will be planting the usuals again this year:  Eggplant, Tomatoes, Bell Peppers, Basil, and Mint.  I'm also going to do broccoli, a variety of lettuces, and something exotic.  I'm not sure what the exotic will be but I'm doing some digging now to find something different.  I have found that I'm a whiz at growing egg plants and lettuce is super easy too.  The rest of the things are hit and miss for me but I keep trying because I want to be successful.  I had a productive tomato crop this year and my basil always does well.  I had a few bell peppers but then my plant got tired and went to sleep.  I still haven't cleaned out my containers from the Spring and one of my pepper plants has a small verging on orange pepper lazily growing up.  I don't expect it to get any bigger and the fact that it survived the Summer is still a little shocking (shocking in the realm of gardening not real life issues).  

Orange Bell Pepper on the grow

Garden Tomatoes from the Spring

So that's the scoop on the Healing Garden circa September 2012.  This season I'm looking for COLOR COLOR and more COLOR.  Hear Christopher Walken exuberantly saying, "I need more Cow Bell."
Up next, I'm going to post how to save seeds from an existing veggie, plant them, and then transplant them.  I experimented with that this Summer and had a good go of it.  I failed to remember that my peppers weren't going to survive the heat and I should of waited until now to plant them but, alas, I learned something from my ill fated timing.  Here's a sneak peak to get your motors running:

On the Grow

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